This week, Jill Washburn, our Jill of All Trades, goes in search of non-toxic ways to clean patio furniture. Hers was covered with mossy-type green growths.
Jill tried all of her favorite natural cleaners, straight vinegar, 91% rubbing alcohol, and peroxide. They had limited results, if any.
Two things worked really well on Jill's furniture. The first was straight bleach. While it's not non-toxic, it was effective. It worked on both the solid surfaces and the woven mesh surfaces on the chaises. Jill brushed it on with a scrub brush, let it sit for a bit, and then hosed it off. It got the furniture clean, but Jill was still looking for a more natural option.
Enter Thieves Oil household cleaner. Jill brushed it on straight and scrubbed it into the mesh. It worked really well on both the solid surfaces and the mesh surfaces of the pieces, plus it removed numerous small lichen that had grown into the mesh of the chaises. Up until that point, nothing Jill tried would get those off.
The Thieves cleaner removed them easily, and almost immediately. It was even more effective if she scrubbed it in and then let it sit for a few minutes before hosing it off.
While household bleach came the closest, Jill declared the Thieves Oil household cleaner the winner. The brand that she used was Young Living, but there are other brands with similar products, and you can even find recipes online to make your own similar cleaner at home.
Now Jill can enjoy lying on clean patio furniture, and not be obsessed with how she should be cleaning it!